projects – archive

HumBAS – Knowledge-based building management combining human perception and building automation systems

The goal of HumBAS is to combine subjective Human perception and objective data originating from building automation systems (BAS) to improve comfort for building users and infer recommendations for facility managers using knowledge engineering. In general, user feedback offers high potential for improving comfort satisfaction and adapting processes in building operation and management. However, comfort in building zones is usually quantified using sensor devices of BAS while feedback of building users is only manually analyzed by facility managers. Thus, an intuitive interface for the acquisition of human perception as well as a knowledge-based integration of objective and subjective comfort measurements are developed in order to describe an automatic process for direct consideration of user feedback and detection of problems in building management. Privacy concerns according to feedback collection are analyzed while feasibility and acceptance of this approach are evaluated using real-world field studies and experiments under laboratory conditions.

embodied gestures: Sculpting Sonic Expression into Musical Artifacts

embodied gestures is an artistic-research project exploring the possibilities of shaping the physical affordances of designed electronic music instruments. Having sonic gestures as the source of inspiration, the aim of this artistic-research project is the creation of a new paradigm of digital music instruments which could better support our performative ideas and musical intentions. Visit


Entwicklung eines reaktiven Buchungs- und Tarifsystems für free-floating Mobilitätssharingdienste.
The project aims to develop the basis for the implementation of a flexible tariff system as well as a reactive accounting system, which increases the demand for free-floating mobility services, improves usability from the customer’s point of view, and reduces the cost of maintenance (e.g., redistribution) of vehicles. Visit


Mental Health APP in Kombination mit einem Wearable zur Unterstützung einer gleichberechtigten und aktiven Mobilität für Personen mit einer Phobie, Angst- und/oder Zwangserkrankung.
The preceding project investigated traffic participations of road users who suffer from fears, compulsory disorders or phobias for the first time.

Centre for Informatics and Society

Das Centre for Informatics and Society ist eine Forschungsinitiative der Fakultät für Informatik an der Technischen Universität Wien.

Technologischer Fortschritt bietet seit jeher eine Fülle an Herausforderungen sowohl für akademische Forschung als auch für die Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen. Gerade durch den ubiquitären Charakter heutiger Internet- und Kommunikationstechnologien sowie durch das rapide Voranschreiten von Innovation ist es oft schwer, die Konsequenzen einzelner Technologien verlässlich zu beurteilen und macht es nötig, unterschiedlichste Forschungszugänge in der Betrachtung zu vereinen.

Dem Credo „Technik für Menschen“ der TU Wien folgend, untersucht das Centre for Informatics and Society Entwicklungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Informatik und Gesellschaft, unterstützt inter- und trans-disziplinäre Forschungsvorhaben und treibt die öffentliche Diskussion durch Workshops, Vorträge und öffentliche Veranstaltungen voran.

aspern.mobil LAB

Mit dem aspern.mobil LAB soll in Aspern der Seestadt Wiens ein Raum entstehen, in dem BewohnerInnen, ForscherInnen, Stadtverwaltungen und Unternehmen gemeinsam einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen urbanen Mobilität leisten können. Ziel des aspern.mobil Labs ist es, vor Ort eine neuen Mobilitäts- und Innovationskultur zu etablieren und zu unterstützen, die zu einem lokalen Leuchtturmprojekt für den Innovationsstandort Österreich werden kann. Mobilitäts- und Innovationskultur sollen von der Gemeinschaft getragen werden, die um und durchdasaspern.mobilityLAB entsteht.SeestädterInnen, lokale Stakeholder und F&E-AkteurInnen denken, entwickeln und handeln hier auf gleicher Augenhöhe.


The SUBURBAHN LAB offers a specific initiative to the debate on innovative building and mobility solutions in suburban areas. In a pilot project in Ansfelden, Linz this will be addressed and explored. Based on the Living Lab approach, basics for the future structures of the test and demonstration area will be created. This also includes the development of a toolbox, including the development of a technology- and innovation-portfolio with scenarios for the implementation of projects and innovations.


ReHABITAT-ImmoCHECK+ develops the conceptual basis of a gender and age sensitive set of instruments for illustrating the development potential of vacant or not fully occupied single-family detached houses. This potential can be generated by re-densification and by fostering innovative forms of living together. Furthermore this set of instruments permits an assessment of the houses.

RAUCHFREI für mich und mein Kind

RAUCHFREI aims to support pregnant women to quit smoking. Therefore guidelines and prototypes for persuasive mobile applications are developed, implemented, and evaluated. The project is in cooperation with the “Hauptverband der Sozialversicherungsträger” and the “NÖGKK”.


FETCH: Future Education and Training in Computing: How to Support Learning at Anytime Anywhere is a European Thematic Network (ETN) within the Lifelong Learning Program consisting of 67 university and company partners in 35 European countries and coordinated by the University of Ruse, Bulgaria. FETCH was ranked first out of eight Erasmus academic networks approved by the European Commission. Specific project objectives are: To develop a European Strategic Framework for Computing Education and Training 2020 (ESFCET-2020), to develop a European Evaluation Framework in Computing Education and Training 2020 (EEFCET-2020), the preparation of recommendations for future digital curricula in Computing Education and Training 2020, to develop new didactical theories and learning models for using social media education.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is an attitude to design. It is an approach. It does not aim to optimize the existing systems, processes, and artifacts, rather it tries out to reach out for possibilities and for future settings. The design process we have established in our group so far is iterative and user centered by supporting creativity and innovation. Our team designs together with future users for future use.


Das internationale Rote Kreuz hat die Erhöhung der Resilienz der Bevölkerung und von Freiwilligen als eine der großen Herausforderungen im Krisen– und Katastrophenmanagement deklariert. Um diesen Herausforderungen entgegenzutreten setzt das Projekt RE-ACTA vor allem auf den Einsatz neuer Medien für einen optimierten Einsatz der Freiwilligen des Team Österreich des Roten Kreuzes. Bei der Prozessentwicklung wird sowohl auf die Bedarfsträger- und Benutzeranforderungen als auch die rechtliche Legitimität des Einsatzes eines solchen Crowd-Tasking Tools mit Schwerpunkt auf Haftungs– und Datenschutzaspekte geachtet.
Die entwickelten Prozesse sollen nach ihrer Umsetzung in ausgereifte Softwarelösungen das Management der Freiwilligen im Team Österreich erleichtern und Validierungen von Entscheidungen im Einsatzfall ermöglichen. Die Prozesse und Werkzeuge sollen auch für andere Bedarfsträger im Bereich der Einsatzkräfte, wie zum Beispiel Freiwillige Feuerwehren, das BMLVS etc., einsetzbar sein.


TOPIC is a European Research Project under the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme conducted by a consortium of 10 partners from both academia and industry in Austria, France and Germany. Our consortium aims to support informal carers in their daily needs. We provide an integrated set of online-shared spaces and services to support the physical and mental care ability of informal carers by enabling learning and orientation about care at home. We strive to offer a platform for informal carers’ cooperation with formal carers, by improving, integrating, and making mobile multimodal communication easier and accessible. We facilitate exchange between informal carers and other informal carers, friends, or family members.


Object-based, interactive communication to support social exchange of older people
The aim of this project is to design and develop a communication technology to support communication and social interaction of older people in a non-stigmatizing way. In recent years the technical development of computer systems and mobile devices went on quickly, but the interface with which these devices are operated, mostly remained unchanged. Classical input devices like mouse and keyboard or small mobile phone keyboards turn out to be a great challenge for the elderly. New technologies with innovative user interfaces can help to support communication and social interaction of the growing number of older people.


The research aim of the IPCity project is to investigate analytical and technological approaches to presence in real life settings. Analytically, this includes extending the approaches to presence accounting for the participative and social constitution of presence, the multiplicity and distribution of events in time and space. The vision of the IPCity project is to provide citizens, visitors, as well as professionals involved in city development or the organisation of events with a set of technologies that enable them to collaboratively envision, debate emerging developments, experience past and future views or happenings of their local urban environment, discovering new aspects of their city.


The Atelier project (architecture and technology for inspirational learning) aimed at making a contribution to our understanding of inspirational forms of learning and to building augmented, mixed media environments. The project was carried out by a multidisciplinary consortium of social scientists-ethnographers, computer scientists-systems designers, and practitioner-users from the field of architecture and interaction design. The two practice settings of inspirational learning environments that formed the basis for observation, design and evaluation were chosen to be complementary. One was a ‘traditional’ master-class environment in architecture in Vienna. It was complemented and contrasted by the setting of a new-media-oriented, interaction design, master studio program in Malmšö.


The observation that lies at the heart of DESARTE and our vision for a useful electronic support environment for designers and architects is a tension between ways of seeing, using, and organising materials, the limitations of physical objects in physical space, and the potential of electronic visualisation, communication, and data storage technologies. We explore this under the metaphors of Wunderkammer and Manufaktur.


The design rationale of the Wunderkammer is based on fieldwork revealing the relevance of and need for inspirational objects throughout the design process. Inspirational objects assist the designers in their effort to form, develop, and communicate design concepts. Most of them are images, but their nature and sources are varied and so are the ways of collecting them. It is our aim to support the archiving and discovering of inspirational objects and to facilitate their movement to and from the Wunderkammer to integrate with the flow of the work.

Kooperative Planung

Pilotprojekt zur Entwicklung eines computergestütztes Kommunikations- und Entwurfsraums zwischen Architekten und Herstellern. In diesem Projekt geht es um die Entwicklung einer Kommunikationspraxis, einschließlich einer diese unterstützende technisch-organisatorische Umgebung, die Architekten hilft, den Lösungsraum für ihre Projekte zu erweitern. Hersteller wiederum sollten darin unterstützt werden, ihre Angebote an vielfältige und variierende Anforderungen anzupassen. Zur Ermöglichung der Kommunikationsverdichtung wurde im Rahmen des Projektes ein Anforderungsprofil für im Internet angebotenen Produktinformationen entwickelt, das auf die Informationsbedürfnisse von Architekten abgestimmt ist.

Flexible Standardisierung

Möglichkeiten der computerunterstützten Integration von Design und Produktion am Beispiel Architektur. Zielsetzung des Forschungsprojekts war es, den Gründen für das Auseinanderklaffen von (architekturtheoretischem) Interesse an den…


Für Mentoring4her suchen wir interessierte Frauen, die als Mentees davon profitieren wollen sowie Frauen und Männer, die in einer höheren Position im IT-Bereich arbeiten und ihre Erfahrungen an…